Wednesday, 8 January 2025
Catalogue and auction open for viewing from Wednesday 1 January 2025.
For 40 years we have only been offering our elite ultrafine rams through a traditional on-farm sale. This year we are excited to introduce the addition of an online auction platform to enable a wider range of clients the opportunity to access leading Forest Range genetics.
As shown below this platform has been designed to not only be easy to use but also enable you to bid online prior to the sale if you need. It will open for bidding from 12.00pm, Wednesday 1 January 2025.
ALL bidders, and viewers of the auction, need to register prior to the sale commencing by clicking on the link below.
**PLEASE NOTE - this auction is only open to New Zealand based buyers. Sheep or semen cannot currently be exported.
CLICK HERE TO REGISTERHow the Online System Works
Please note: You are still able to bid as per our original on-farm system. Your bids will be entered into the platform by one of our team on the day.

Main Auction Screen
The online system is best viewed from a laptop but has also been formatted for mobile viewing.
Upon registering you will see our Main Auction Screen.
This page outlines all the available lots.
Your Buyer Registration number will be visible at the top of the screen. This is only visible to you.
If the lot is greyed out it has been withdrawn.

Animal Information Panel
When you click on the Lot number you are able to see details relating to each ram.
This includes a photo of their wool and the animal itself.
If you click on the photos they will open in a separate page for you to view in more detail. Just close the page to continue.
You are able to add an animal to your own Shortlist or make a Bid direct from this screen.

Your Shortlist Screen
The Shortlist screen enables you to refine your selection of Rams.
You are able to bid directly from this screen rather than return to the Main Auction screen as well as view the full details of the ram by clicking on the 'More info' link.
This page also provides a list of all your selected lots - highlighting the ones that you have bids on, and the total value of those to date.

Make a Bid Panel
This is where you can make a bid.
It will auto-fill with your Buyer Number and show the current leading bid.
You can make a bid (in $100 increments) or make a bid to the maximum you wish to pay and select 'Auto-Bid'.
An Auto-bid is the maximum bid you are wishing to pay and bids will just automatically increase if someone bids under you until it reaches your Auto-Bid limit.
You are able to increase your Auto-Bid limit if you are outbid.
For any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact us directly on 021 247 3302 or